Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Garden Tomb / Gordon's Calvary

While most scholars agree that this is not the actual site of the Empty Tomb, this is the best spot in Jerusalem to reflect on what Jesus did for us. Yes, walk the Via Dolorosa, to the traditional site, but when you're ready to leave the hustle and bustle of the streets of Jerusalem and see what it may have looked like in Jesus day, to quietly meditate and pray, that's when you want to see the Garden Tomb.

1 comment:

  1. Good afternoon:

    I am a minister writing for the church's official publication straightforward which is available upon request without any cost or charge.

    We kindly request your permission to use your photo of Christ's garden tomb as the cover photo for the next issue of our magazine. Here is the link:


    We will provide the appropriate citation.

    Additional information on our organization can be viewed at enduring.org and straightforward.org.

    Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to your favorable response. I can be contacted at info@enduring.org or info@straightforward.org.

    Enduring Church of God
